
我是珊珊leetommy49 于 2013年6月19日(星期三) 12:45 发给 我完整信息新窗口打开Dear Ah YeeMy father had a strok深圳明珠水会体验报告e in the office yesterday an上海新茶水磨微信d he is in serious condition. He is still in ICU and he just woke up about two hours ago. The first thing that he said when he was conscious was to give me your information to notify you.He is scheduled for an operation tomorrow morning at 6 am. I am so sorry高端收录犬马之家 and my father has been telling me all about you.I will keep you posted on his conditions.Denise亲爱的阿绮我的父亲中风了昨天在办公室和他状况严重。他仍在ICU和他刚醒来大约两个小时前。首先,他说当他意识到是给我你的信息通知你。他定于明天上午手术在6点深圳龙华水会什么服务。我很抱歉,我的父亲已经告诉我关于你的一切。我将让你贴在他的条件。丹尼斯我是珊珊上一封 | 下一封leetommy49 于 2013年6月20日(星期四) 11:52 发给 我完整信息Dear Ah YeeThe operation for my father was a s***essful one ***ording to the doctorsHowever my father is still unconsc深圳顶级私人会所ious.***ording to the Doctor my dad had a very massive stroke on Monday and he thinks that there is going to be a lot of damages done.I have been under a lot of stress becaus深圳宝安中心区95场e I have to notify all the other family members and my uncle is making arrangement to come down from Seattle.Please stay calm and I will keep you posted.Denise亲爱的阿绮操作我的父亲是一个成功的人根据医生但是我的父亲仍然是无意识的。根据医生我的爸爸有一个非常巨大的中风周广州水疗自助餐哪里好一和他认为将有大量的损失做。我已经承受了很大的压力,因为我需要通知所有其他的家庭成员和我叔叔正在安排下来从西雅图。请保持冷静,我将与你保持联络。丹尼斯
你要小心 怕是要借钱的